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As part of Food Indaba 2024, Parusha Naidoo and Tapiwa Guzha co-exhibited work at 16 Lerotholi Art Gallery,  July 2024.


An interrogation and introspection on the politics of food culture and security on the continent and in South Africa.


Parusha Naidoo is a South African artist and culinary curator. She uses food events and art as vehicles for resistance, to unite people and tell stories. Her paintings on canvas use colours, symbolism and imagery of survival and sustenance inspired by sunrise, sunset, the ocean, mountains, forests and tropical fruit. 


Tapiwa practices cultural advocacy through food, art and performance work. Primarily known as the founder and creative director of Tapi Tapi ice cream, he also shares his experience of being an Afro descendant through a self developed Afro-inspired calligraphy style. His work heavily features clays, sand, silt and charcoal from Africa as pigments and substrates.



Ndagarwa nhaka - my inheritance, 2024
Native & introduced plant species, glass
17 cm height x 9.5 cm diameter per glass jar


Reflecting on the erasure of food practices through the introduction of plant species significant for the colonisers.

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Chikafu chimurenga - the politics of food, 2024

African clay & charcoal on foraged election poster masonite
84 x 60 cm


The daily fight for our homes, lands and rights, seen through food on a plate.



Kugochwa kwa amai - mother’s roasting, 2024

African clay & sand on canvas
102 x 51 cm


Introspection on our unhealthy dependency - and lack of
recognition around it - on Black women as functions of
nourishment, support, life-bearing, child-rearing, wet-nursing,
assistant-parenting. Rarely observed and witnessed as independent
humans and often seen in relation to the functions they serve.
They hold and carry too much, we take much more and give little
back. Burning so that we may be full.

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Tsoro dze nhafu - a game of greed , 2024

Silt, sand & nyimo on recycled polystyrene
57 x 58 cm


The one-sided game of colonial tsoro and its inequitable outcomes.



Abelungu base Afurika - colonisers of Africa, 2024

African clays & sand on canvas & cardboard
91 x 72 cm diameter


Highlighting the overt and subtle connections between the popular
German board game, Settlers of Catan and the assembly and consequence of the Berlin Conference. How Africa was carved up in quite the same way as one looks to enjoy in this “fun for the whole family” game.




Vapambepfuma - stolen wealth, 2024

Clay, silt & sand on recycled polystyrene
23 cm diameter


Food resource extraction lessons learned from colonial predecessors, now being managed, effected and implemented by contemporary Afro-descendants.

all rights reserved | TAPI TAPI | 2023

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